Download the award nomination form here (2Mb, DOCX) to lodge a nomination for the annual award.

Then submit your completed nomination form to the award judging panel via email or the online contact form.

The award provides an exceptional opportunity to acknowledge and help shine a light on the best and brightest professionals in the industry; support small initiatives; and showcase records and information management; archives management; knowledge management; and history, cultural heritage, museum and library collections, management practices and solutions which contribute to local, regional or State memory or culture.

We welcome nominations for a diverse range of individuals, including current and past eligible SA practitioners, teams, groups, students, historians, researchers, volunteers and allied industry professionals and volunteers, including those who go the extra mile. We believe their outstanding service and initiative in the industry areas listed under the award purpose deserve recognition and can inspire others to strive for excellence.

Thank you for your support in recognising and showcasing the hard work of outstanding individuals and teams who inspire excellence and drive positive change. 

Visit the award timelines page for key nomination submission, judging and announcement dates.


Award nomination form image.

Orange Contact Us Image. Calendar Image.Team Members Meeting Image 2







The panel will assess nominations submitted based on the award eligibility and nomination criteria. Any personal data received will be managed in line with the award privacy information page.

Head over to the award purpose and prize format page for information about the annual award prize format and additional Records and Information Management Practitioners Alliance – Global (RIMPA Global) prize contribution and recognition.

The award governance committee may elect to not award a prize in any one year if:

    • there are insufficient award funds available
    • no nomination submissions are received, or
    • no nominations submitted meet the award eligibility or nomination criteria.