Download the award promotional poster here (250Kb, PDF) to promote the award within your group / team, organisation, association or network connections.

The award, established in honour of the late Bernadette Bean, provides a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and showcase the best and brightest professionals in the industry; fund small initiatives; and help shine a light on records and information, archives, knowledge, history, cultural heritage, museum and library collections, management practices and solutions that contribute to local, regional or State memory or culture.

The award recognises and celebrates service excellence by eligible current, new or past SA award nominees who have achieved, or are working towards, best practice and improvement in the focus areas described above.

By nominating someone, you’re helping to acknowledge and showcase their hard work and inspire others to do their best.

Communication methods may include sharing a link to the poster and award website to current, new and past eligible SA practitioners, groups / teams, students, researchers, historians, volunteers and other individuals – via:

    • Bernadette Bean SA Records Management Award promotional poster
    • social media sites such as LinkedInFacebook and Twitter 
    • your organisation’s or association’s intranet or internet website, or
    • organisational, association and network e-newsletters, collaboration tools, online discussion groups, noticeboards and other common communication methods.

Mobile Phone with Global Network Image