Award purpose and format

The award purpose and format recognises and celebrates demonstrated records, information and archives management service excellence by eligible individual and group / team nominees in honour of the late Bernadette Bean.

The focus areas of the award include, but are not limited to, best practice and improvement in records and information management; archives management; knowledge management; and history, cultural heritage, museum and library collection management practices and solutions. These areas include:

Award Purpose and Format: Information Management Tree Image

    • capture, management, preservation and governance practices and solutions
    • digital transformation and access
    • innovation and creativity
    • leadership and teamwork
    • knowledge sharing or mentoring
    • project management
    • digitisation practices or research
    • system and technology developments or implementations
    • dedication and contribution to the industry, or
    • any other relevant focus areas which contribute to local, regional or State memory or culture, as agreed by the award governance committee.

These focus areas may provide best practice models from which we can learn.

Visit the:

Annual award prize formatShaking Hands Image 2

The annual award prize issued by the award governance committee will comprise a framed certificate and prize valued up to $1,000*. The committee will determine the nature and composition of this package, which may comprise:

    • a prize cheque, or
    • a voucher for or donation to an area related to the award winner’s interests, hobbies or favourite charities, or
    • a voucher for one of Bernadette Bean’s favourite causes, such as eco-environmental outlets, books or training vouchers (for example, for a WEA training course), or
    • a combination of the above.

Additional RIMPA Global award prize contribution

The Records and Information Management Practitioners Alliance – Global (RIMPA Global) endorses and supports this award.

The award winner will:

    • receive a 12-month RIMPA Global membership (if not already a member). This includes access to free webinars, forums, mentoring programs and e-magazines; networking opportunities and industry updates; and discounted rates to events, workshops and training courses, and the RIMPA Global Live Convention
    • be recognised on RIMPA Global’s awards webpages.

The award governance committee and Bernadette’s family gratefully acknowledge RIMPA Global’s endorsement and support of the award.


*Note: The award governance committee may elect to not award a prize in any one year if:

    • there are insufficient award funds available
    • no nomination submissions are received, or
    • no nominations submitted meet the award eligibility or nomination criteria.